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Prepare for Perseids

Are you ready for the Perseids? This shower, part of the debris stream of comet Swift-Tuttle, starts in mid-to-late July and lasts through most of August. While most nights will showcase a few meteors each hour, the peak of the Perseids could bring a brief "burst" of up to two hundred beautiful "shooting stars" an hour.

Skywatching Tips about Prepare for Perseids
In this 30 second exposure taken with a circular fish-eye lens, a meteor streaks across the sky during the annual Perseid meteor shower on Friday, Aug. 12, 2016 in Spruce Knob, West Virginia. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

Earth Information Center

For more than 50 years, NASA satellites have provided data on Earth's land, water, air, temperature, and climate. NASA's Earth Information Center allows visitors to see how our planet is changing in six key areas: sea level rise and coastal impacts, health and air quality, wildfires, greenhouse gases, sustainable energy, and agriculture.

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Taken from the International Space Station (ISS) by the EarthKAM camera, this nadir (straight-down) photograph shows Australia’s famed Eighty Mile Beach. Despite its name, the beach is 140 miles (220 kilometers) long.

Apollo 11 Lifts Off

Apollo 11 launches from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 9:32 a.m. EDT, July 16, 1969. Aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft were astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, command module pilot; and Buzz Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot. Apollo 11 was the United States’ first lunar landing mission. While Armstrong and Aldrin descended in the Lunar Module “Eagle” to explore the Sea of Tranquility region of the Moon, Collins remained in lunar orbit.


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Space image with stars and swirls of colorful orange, red and white.