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Arizona Moonwalk

Between May 13 and May 22, 2024, NASA astronauts Kate Rubins and Andre Douglas performed four moonwalk simulations at Arizona’s San Francisco Volcanic Field to help the agency prepare for Artemis III.

Behind the Scenes about Arizona Moonwalk
In the image above, Douglas stands to Rubins’ left reviewing procedures, while Rubins surveys instruments on the cart. Both are wearing 70-pound mockup planetary spacesuits that make moving, kneeling and grasping difficult, similar to how it will feel to do these activities on the Moon.

Earth Information Center

For more than 50 years, NASA satellites have provided data on Earth's land, water, air, temperature, and climate. NASA's Earth Information Center allows visitors to see how our planet is changing in six key areas: sea level rise and coastal impacts, health and air quality, wildfires, greenhouse gases, sustainable energy, and agriculture.

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Cassini Sees Saturn

Saturn and its rings completely fill the field of view of Cassini’s narrow angle camera in this natural color image taken on March 27, 2004. This was the last single “eyeful” of Saturn and its rings achievable with the narrow angle camera on approach to the planet.


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Space image with stars and swirls of colorful orange, red and white.